Photos taken in December 2015 in the Bavarian National Museum, Munich.
This is an interesting example of what many call the ‘Hausbuch’ dress and shows the transition period well.
Flickr set:
Photos taken in December 2015 in the Bavarian National Museum, Munich.
This is an interesting example of what many call the ‘Hausbuch’ dress and shows the transition period well.
Flickr set:
c. 1455 Altar triptych by Rogier van der Weyden (1399-1464)
The altar triptych got its name from its place of origin, the church of St Columba in Cologne. The central panel shows the Adoration of the Magi, the left wing depicts the Annunciation, and the right wing the Presentation in the Temple.
Details of footwear:
Details of fabric (two Kings on centre panel, one priest on right wing):
The complete set of photographs can be found on Flickr.
Goodness, where did the last two months and a bit go? In a work-mad blur of the new academic year! Anyway, here are some close-up photos of the Swiss Colonel Wilhelm Froelich, who ignored Zwingli’s Reisläufer ban and went to war for the French side. This meant that he lost his status as a Zürich citizen, but in 1556 he was ennobled by the French king.
Museum info:
Tafelgemälde. Herrenporträt Wilhelm Frölich. Ganzfiguriges Bildnis mit Wappen und Oberwappen der Familie Frölich. Maler Hans Asper. Öl auf Holz, Tempera;; Rahmen: Holz. Datiert 1549. Masse: Höhe 213 cm, Breite 111 cm. (LM-8622)