Goodness, where did the last two months and a bit go? In a work-mad blur of the new academic year! Anyway, here are some close-up photos of the Swiss Colonel Wilhelm Froelich, who ignored Zwingli’s Reisläufer ban and went to war for the French side. This meant that he lost his status as a Zürich citizen, but in 1556 he was ennobled by the French king.
Museum info:
Tafelgemälde. Herrenporträt Wilhelm Frölich. Ganzfiguriges Bildnis mit Wappen und Oberwappen der Familie Frölich. Maler Hans Asper. Öl auf Holz, Tempera;; Rahmen: Holz. Datiert 1549. Masse: Höhe 213 cm, Breite 111 cm. (LM-8622)