Nicole Kipar
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The 1660s
Restoration Costume Comes to Life

Part 3, Page 10
Gentry and Aristocracy, Men: Patterns

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Lower Class Women and Men Gentry and Aristocracy, Women Gentry and Aristocracy, Men The Whole Look: Accessories Costume Focus: Women's Headwear & Neckwear

All of the following images open in a new window for ease of printing.

The following are meant to be mere guidelines though they were taken from extant garments and redrawn. The linen cravat that is only a long strip needs no pattern. Experiment with the linen, but the full length of 60" is advisable.

Baggy breeches of the later 1660s type. Loose fitting coat with just a hint of shaping of the type after 1666. The waistcoat should be cut only upper thigh length.
Falling band from the beginning of the 1660s edged with lace. Shirt, which is simple an should be made from as thin a linen you can find.
Baldrick, which can be made from buff leather for a soldier, or covered with velvet or silk and edged with a brush fringe.  

Overview | Outer Garments | Shirts | Cravats | Military | Ceremonial | Undress
Extant Garments | Reconstructed Garments | Patterns

Nicole Kipar 1998