1501 portraits of Nuremberg Muenzmeister and wife Nic Museums, Photos May 23, 2016June 29, 201916th century, Bavaria, Munich, painting 0 Comment Photos taken in December 2015 in the Bavarian National Museum, Munich. This is an interesting example of what many call the ‘Hausbuch’ dress and shows the transition period well. Flickr set: 1501 Muenzmeister and wife 021501 Muenzmeister and wife 031501 Muenzmeister and wife 061501 Muenzmeister and wife 041501 Muenzmeister and wife 081501 Muenzmeister and wife 071501 Muenzmeister and wife 051501 Muenzmeister and wife 01 Share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestEmailTumblrWhatsApp