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The 1660s
Restoration Costume Comes to Life

Part 4, Page 11
The Whole Look, Accessories: Hairstyles Men

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Lower Class Women and Men Gentry and Aristocracy, Women Gentry and Aristocracy, Men The Whole Look: Accessories Costume Focus: Women's Headwear & Neckwear

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The most important feature of men's hairstyles in the 1660s is that it was supposed to look natural, but to be at least wavy, and even better, to be curly. It appears that the early periwig strove to imitate natural hair with the gentlemen hoping to get away with them and being mistaken for having a head of lovely, long, curly, healthy hair. Often the wigs made use of the natural hair, particularly in the front/at the forehead, where it was pulled through the wig to appear more natural. Samuel Pepys Mentions that he had been wearing a periwig for a while, but then he grew his hair back long from being shaved - hair was shaved or clipped very short underneath wigs, otherwise the hat beneath the wigs would be unacceptable and the cut off hair was used for a new wig - but after a while decided it was so much less hassle to just put on a wig instead of trying to keep the natural hair clean. This particularly true in an age where hair was washed less tan often, there are recipes for a hair water which promises to keep the hair clean for the following year. Hair was combed, but not washed often, and brushes had not been invented yet. Instead wood, horn or bone combs were used.

Samuel Pepys, Diary, 1663
November 2nd. I heard the Duke say that he was going to wear a perriwigg; and they say the King also will. I never till this day observed that the king is mighty gray.

Dutch man with his natural, wavy hair.
French Beau with what appears very much to be a wig. Full bodied and very curly.
Dutch man with natural hair, long and parted in the centre, almost straight.
French page with his natural hair, wavy and long.
French page with natural hair, wavy and parted in the middle.
English gentleman with what appears natural hair, if it is, it is dark and wavy, but it might be too perfect for being natural.
The second Duke of Buckingham in what is an obvious wig, due to its frizzy nature. They did not stay in fashion very long. Admiral de Ruyter very sober with his natural hair which only goes to the neckline and is receding in the forehead.
The Duke of Lauderdale in what must be a wig, because for a man his age it would be most uncommon to have such thick, curly long hair. The wig is made to appear natural. Dutch gentleman in his own hair, slightly wavy.
Charles II at his coronation with long black curly hair which he prided himself of, but the painting glorifies its perfection and might show a wig.
The Duke of Abermarle at Charles II's coronation procession in what appears to be natural hair or a very natural looking wig.
Graf Quellin wearing a skull cap, perhaps to hide a bald patch and with long curly hair, which points more towards a wig though.
The Duke of York in glorified natural hair or a very natural wig, parted in the middle, long but less curly.
The Duke of York with the same wavy hair but what appears to be bangs.
Young Dutch gentleman with his natural hair.
Dutch gentleman with his natural hair worn in a very simple and sober style.
Gentleman wearing a periwig which is slightly frizzed and the ends curled together in large rolls, similar to the later campaign wigs which have knotted ends.
Dutch elderly man with his natural hair which is only neck length and a skull cap which probably hides a bald patch, taking the receding hairline at the forehead into consideration.
The Duke of Lauderdale in what appears to be a wig with his natural hair pulled through at the forehead to make it look more natural, but the wig is more frizzed than the forehead.
John Leslie in a very curly full bodied periwig.
Lord David Hay with his natural hair in soft waves.
Robert Kerr in a frizzy periwig.
Sir Norton Knatchbull in sombre dress and with his natural hair.
A wax effigy of the Danish Prince Jorgen showing a periwig as it would have been worn, made in the period.
Prince Rupert in either his natural hair or a very natural wig with the hair at the forehead pulled through.
Prince Rupert again, but this time wearing a much fuller periwig. 1660-70
Wig worn by Alexander Peden who was a Covenanter. It shows how wigs in the period were made.

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Nicole Kipar 1998