Stuart and his Sister, 1695. The children are dressed
exactly like copies of adults. Note the lace apron of the
girl and the red lining of the high, soft tongue of the boy's
shoes. English |
XIV at Mons, 1691. Note the wig being worn in a ponytail
à la catogan and the steenkerks. French |
XIV accepts an oath, painted in 1690s. Although this painting
by A. Pesey depicts a scene which took place on 28th December
1685, it was surely painted in the 1690s, judging the costumes. French |
Anne, 1690s. In this portrait she was in her mid-twenties.
By Michael Dahl. English |
von der Pfalz, La Palatine, Madame, Duchess d'Orléans,
wife of Philippe, brother of Louis XIV, 1690s. In this portrait
en deshabillé note the lace all around the neckline
of the chemise. This is the lace which is visible at the top
of the stomacher. French |
Charlotte, Duchess d'Orléans, 1697. Note the red
velvet dress she is wearing, again en deshabillé. She
said in one of her many letters, that she never wore a manteau,
only the grand habit, the court robes. By Jan Weenix. French |